Monday, September 17, 2007

Star Wars - - - We Won't Forget !

A very special thanks to George Lucas for nearly killing himself over this saga we all know & love, and we all should take a moment of silence each day for those who have died in the star wars films:
stormtrooper 4578;
jar-jar (I am sure he was killed);
Ewok #86;
Mace Windu;
Kit fisto;
Anakin skywalker;
shmi skywalker;
those rebels in the beginning of episode 4;
all those robots in the prequels;
all those poor younglings who darth vader killed;
that guy in the cantina who didn't like luke;
Jabba's twiek dancer;
Boba & jango Fett;
Darth Vader;
The death star;
Biggs Darklighter;
Luke's aunt and uncle;
those slaughtered jawas;
stormtrooper 6936-9;
clone #65;
death star #2;
imperial guards 1& 2;
& of course Emperor Palpatine

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