Saturday, June 23, 2007


Hello and welcome to my blog. My blog will cover controversial debates among people. It will offer in-depth opinions on many heated topics. I want you all to know nothing said in the text is to be taken as bullshit. Because nothing said will be bullshit, everything will be supported by facts. For example, George Bush is an asshole. That's bullshit. George Bush is the biggest asshole to run this country. Still Bullshit. George Bush Jr. is the biggest asshole to run this country into the ground, because he has too many people fighting in the wrong part of the Middle East, and Not enough people here to protect us. He is the Biggest Fuck up in History!!!! Good example, no? Don't like the language? Don't like my opinion? Well to bad. I'm a passionate person when it comes to fighting or expressing my opinion. Those are the people you don't fuck with. Give me your comments, tell me your thoughts. Tell me what you'd like me to discuss, debate, or flat out fight for. Just give me enough to go on. Give me a reason, a cause and I'll debate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Post something new already. You seem to have so much to say. And seem to be so passionate about something. And please, hurry up with this.

The picture seems funny