Friday, June 29, 2007


I believe literature could continue to lose popularity with people. There's two perspectives however. It could be just people have no time for it. It's a slow process, to read, compared to anything else. After reading you often have to piece together what the writer is saying. The fact that people want more information faster doesn't help. Nor does technology's advances in entertainment. More and more video games and movies become more provocative, and interactive. One day the two will bind into one simple form of entertainment. People will be able to live in fictional worlds, virtual worlds. Lack of Patience and concentration is the fall back to many of today's youth who I have unpleasantly seen complain and bicker about how boring it is to read books like "All Quiet on the Western Front," which in my opinion is the best book/source of info about what war is really like.
People without understanding of the most simple concepts are lost. Books are guides to living, because people before us sat down and wrote down every god damn visual detail of that world, of their characters, of life, of ethics, and other themes. These writers aren't presenting complete fiction, it comes from their inspirations, and their lives. Kids are being fucked over, quality in today's education is lacking, and many minds cannot be swayed to appreciate the knowledge and opportunities laying out in front of them in novels. It all comes back to my previous statement, technology is an easier, faster alternative. Push a button and a visual display swirls past your eyes and ears, and no thinking is required. This is what were heading toward? Life without thinking? vegetables? No. I don't accept that, I'll believe most will wind up a mess, they'll be confused, not knowing where they went wrong.
It all comes back to these kids having no patience. My generation is the "lost generation". Probably the worst case of lost. They are Blind, Def, and Fucken stupid. People should read books instead of "destroying" them. Now I'm not saying this is a serious threat. Hell I won't declare a War on Illiterates or Dumb Fucks. I won't tell you to read because if you don't you'll be attacked by someone who isn't there. I am just making a point, giving some fat to chew. I want an America where people think, and I want a world that acknowledges that Americans aren't fucked up without being fucked with. I know I am attacking a lot but I have so much to say, so little time. All I am saying is that reading and interpreting novels is an activity of quality, and it is the best activity to get you thinking.

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